Brillouin Science And Information Theory Pdf To Excel
In an important 1949 article entitled 'Life, Thermodynamics, and Cybernetics,' Brillouin was inspired by 's new book Cybernetics and its connection of the new information theory with entropy and intelligence One of the most interesting parts in Wiener's Cybernetics is the discussion on 'Time series, information, and communication,' in which he specifies that a certain 'amount of information is the negative of the quantity usually defined as entropy in similar situations.' This is a very remarkable point of view, and it opens the way for some important generalizations of the notion of entropy. Wiener introduces a precise mathematical definition of this new negative entropy for a certain number of problems of communication, and discusses the question of time prediction: when we possess a certain number of data about the behavior of a system in the past, how much can we predict of the behavior of that system in the future? In addition to these brilliant considerations, Wiener definitely indicates the need for an extension of the notion of entropy. 'Information represents negative entropy'; but if we adopt this point of view, how can we avoid its extension to all types of intelligence? We certainly must be prepared to discuss the extension of entropy to scientific knowledge technical know-how, and all forms of intelligent thinking. Anytone At 588 Vhf Manual Woodworkers. Some examples may illustrate this new problem.