Change Serial Number Android Adb
Android Debug Bridge (adb). Overrides the serial number value stored in the $ANDROID_SERIAL. Eravamo Giovanni In Vietnam Pdf Viewer. Such as adb install Let 'sGo.apk. But, this change. How to change serial number of Android. All Android smartphones have a serial number that is used to verify the cellular network. The manufacturer of the sm.
Settings.Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID) Serial Number (from API 9) – recommended – A hardware serial number, if available. Free Medical Terminology Books. Alphanumeric only, case-insensitive.
Is the serial number you see in the DDMS view in Eclipse or from the command “adb devices”. This can be obtained pragmatically from android.os.Build.SERIAL Conclusion Its simple if you do not care to identify hardware but installation go for ANDROID_ID, otherwise use android.os.Build.SERIAL.
Example Here is a simple example of serial number and ANDROID_ID before and after android update.
$ adb devices List of devices attached 0c device The dump generated basically consists of two pieces of data in every line. The first bit ( 0c for example) is the serial number which is a unique identifier for each device whereas the second portion is the connection state of the instance whose value is device in this case which means that the instance is connected to the adb server. Jeremy Robinson Az. Other values for connection state can be offline (not connected to adb or not responding) or no device (no emulator/device connected). Now in order to direct an adb command to a particular device all we need to do is use the -s option to specify the serial number of the device. # my android device $ adb -s 0c shell pm list packages # my android emulator $ adb -s shell pm list packages Now if there’s only one attached USB device and/or only one running emulator instance then we don’t need the serial number.