Matrix Nspire Cx

• The most comprehensive Matrix/Vector APP for calculators. • Users have boosted their Matrix/Vector knowledge. • Ideal for quick review in all Matrix and Linear Algebra classes. • Easy to use. Just plug in the matrix/vector and the correct answer shows. • Enter Matrices A and B easily • Perform 30+ Matrix Computations such as A+B, A-B, k*A, A*B, B*A, A-1, det(A), Eigenvalues, LU and QR - Factorization, Norm, Trace. • Step by Step - Simplex Algorithm.

Matrix Nspire Cx

• Step by Step - Gaussian Elimination. • Step by Step - Find Inverse • Step by Step - Find Determinant • Step by Step - Row Echelon and Reversal (REF and RREF) • Step by Step - Gauss and Gauss Jordan Elimination • Step by Step - Cramer Rule • Step by Step - EigenValues and EigenVectors. • Step by Step - Square Root Matrix • Solve any n by n system of equations. • Rotation Matrices, Magic Squares and much more. • Step by Step - Solve AX=B • Step by Step - OrthoNormal Basis • Cross and Dot Product, UnitVector, Angle between Vectors • Projection A onto B, Distance A to B, etc.

CHAPTER 6 Calculator Notes for the TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS Note 6A: Entering and Editing Matrices You will use the Calculator application to enter and edit matrices. Entering a Matrix Press c and choose Calculator. To access the (m n) matrix template, press /r. Highlight the small block, which pictures a 3 3 matrix, and press a. TI-Nspire CASTM Menu Map 1: Tools >Gho To V2i Converter Video. 1: Define 2: Recall Definition. Convert List to Matrix 9: Convert Matrix to List A: Left B: Mid C: Right. Objective: SWBAT use the TI-Nspire Cx to solve a linear equation and apply the same calculator method to solve a system of linear equations.