Medical Store Management System Project Free Download
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Shiva Prasad A collection of source codes that I wrote in VB 6.0, ASP.NET, PHP, C#.NET, VB.NET and JAVA in a course of my career as web developer and software engineer that I would like to share to my fellow programmers. Some of the codes here is not my original work that I found over the Internet and Books while I’m learning how to program. I hope you find my work useful in your learning in programming. Please share my work to other people also who interested to learn the basics of web development and programming. Thank you very much and Happy Productive Programming Everyone. Medical Store System is Pharmaceutical Distribution Management System developed using VB.NET 2005 and SQL Server. Medical store system is an software application for medical shop designed as to ease the work load of medical shop professionals.
The main feature includes Billing, Supplier records, stock details, sales report, purchase report and customer details, etc. Medical Store System Main Features of this project: • Medical store software helps to track all the profits, loss, profitable products of medical shop moreover it’s a medical shop accounting software. • Flexible and adaptive software suited to medical shops or stores or pharmacies of any size. No special training needed for using the system, anyone who don’t have accounting knowledge can use without any difficulty. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Hardware Requirement Medical Store System has the following hardware requirements: Hard Disk: Minimum 40GB HDD CPU Type: Pentium processor IV RAM: 256 MB RAM Software Requirement Operating Systems Windows XP (Professional edition), Windows 7 or higher operating system Front End: VB. Mikroc Serial Interrupt In 8051. net 2005 or VB.NET 2008 Back End: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Visual Studio to design Pages Microsoft Paint Utility to design images Microsoft Word for documentation PROJECT INSTALLATION STEPS 1. Install Visual Studio setUp.exe file and vs_setup.exe file 2. Install SQL server 2000 (recomended) on your machine.