Nfs Client Windows 2003 Download
Apr 19, 2007 Set up Server for NFS in Windows Server 2003 R2. SFU Windows Server 2003 R2 Services for UNIX Server for NFS Client for NFS Windows Vista Windows Server.
Like I told, I don't know much about NFS. Wat I did on the media player is select NFS in the browser. New Venture Creation 8th Edition 2008 Democratic Primary.
Here I can create a new NFS connection. I have to specify the IP address and de NFS share name. I did this and the mediaplayer connects.
To test if it was succesfull, I also tried a wrong IP and NFS name. Kelpie The Legend Documentary Channel. When I do so, it tells me it cannot connect. So, after entering the correcty info, it tells me nothing (no error), so I assume this is the mount process and it succeeded. On my Windows 2003 server I go to MSFT services for NFS, rightclick on 'Microsoft Services to NFS' and I enter my IP of my server in 'User Name Mapping Server'. AD lookup is not selected. Download Game Bida 3d Full Body. In the properties dialog of 'User Name Mapping' in the tab 'UNIX User Source', 'Use Password and Groupe files' is selected.
I wouldn't know which filesnames to enter on 'Password file path and name' / 'Groupe file path and name'. On the tab 'Simple mapping', 'use simple maps' is not selected. In the properties dialog of 'Server for NFS', all is default. In th eproperties dialog of 'Client for NFS', all is default. The tab 'File permissions' shows: Owner: RWX Groupe: RX Others: RX Furthermore, in the User Name Mapping User Map, I created a new map. On the left I see my windows domain and I select administrator (can narrow down permissions afterwards). When I 'list unix users', is showes: Unix User:, UID: -2.
It seems there is now a mapping between my administrator account and UNIX user in the PCNFS Unix domain. UID=-2, Primary=*, type=advanced. I repeated this when creating a map in User Name Mapping Groupe Map. As far as I can see this is everything I can set. Any help appreciated.
Like I told above: ' In the properties dialog of 'User Name Mapping' in the tab 'UNIX User Source', 'Use Password and Groupe files' is selected. I wouldn't know which filesnames to enter on 'Password file path and name' / 'Groupe file path and name'. On the tab 'Simple mapping', 'use simple maps' is not selected.'